Monday, December 30, 2013

Juicing Grapes

Having had great success with the concord vines we planted in 2009, we decided to add another variety of grapes in 2011: white table grapes. Unfortunately, the budding vines were nearly destroyed when a freak derecho storm ripped through our property in late June 2012.  So this past summer's harvest was truly something to celebrate.  Pulled out the juicer for this basketful...

The Omega...

The juicer was not the best choice for a "clean" outcome. Too many seeds gumming up the works, albeit grapeseed extract does have its finer points.  It was quite the task trying to find the best method for straining it.  After employing just about every type of strainer, mesh basket and assorted layerings of cheesecloth, it definitely proved to be a labor-intensive exercise in futility. After all was said and done  strained and jarred and well-rested in the fridge, enough of the sediment did settle to the bottom so that we could enjoy the clearer juice via straw from the top.

Unless you're into self flagellation, I highly recommend employing this methodRegardless, making grape juice is a time-consuming affair, but the results are absolutely heavenly.

Nothing's wasted around here, of course, but these lovely "grounds" never made it to the compost yard; they were a colorful treat for our trio of pigs that evening.

So refreshing!

Isn't it ironic...  a Northern MOCKING bird chose our white table grape vine to build its nest :-p

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